The Moravian Hotel was built in 1773 as an inn for the Moravians. The hotel was originally a guesthouse which was reserved for church members because they initially were the only ones were aloud to stay in Christiansfeld over night. In the middle of the 1800s the guest house turned into a hotel, and the city had a large influx of people who did not belong to the Moravian Brethren. On the gable of the hotel is a commemorative tablet to memorise those of guests, which belonged to the royal family. On the plaque is also included a special event held at the hotel: the ceasefire agreement signed in room No. 10 between Denmark and Prussia, 18 July 1864th.
Brødremenighedens Hotel can offer 7 top modern rooms, all with bath and toilet, flat screen TV, wireless internet, mini bar and hairdryer as well as a suite with a nice bathroom and large living room with flats creenTV.